Group Office Hours With Alex - Career Direction (Company + Offer Evaluation)

Event details
Group Office Hours With Alex - Career Direction (Company + Offer Evaluation) event
🎥 This event was not recorded. ❌
Event description

As a reminder, Group Office Hours are never recorded to ensure a safe and private space for genuine communal discussion.

Come by with your questions like:

  • Which offer should I take?
  • How should I factor work-life balance into my team/company selection?
  • Should I work at a Big Tech or a startup?
  • What’s it like being a founding engineer?
  • Is IC or M track better for me?

Before coming to this session, please spend at least ~30 minutes going through the following resources:

If you don't have a Taro Premium membership, you can get it at a discount with my special link here:

Event speaker
Profile picture
Alex ChiouTech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero