MIT Distributed Systems Coursework Audit - Intro call

Event details
MIT Distributed Systems Coursework Audit - Intro call event
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Event description

The MIT Distributed Systems Course is free on Youtube and seems to go in depth on a lot of concepts that can come up during system design interviews. Core knowledge of these concepts can go a long way. I wanted to audit this course and wanted to check in with folks if they'd like to join me.

With leetcode prep, we often do a good job of going back to the basics and understanding the theory behind different data structures. But what I've noticed missing in system design prep is that we often overlook the basics and directly jump into Grokking/ByteByteGo and get overwhelmed and often fail to understand the design in detail. The content in this course could help bridge that gap.

During this meeting I wanted to chat about how we can best audit the course together. We can either treat it like our book club sessions and have an assigned person tackle each lecture OR just get together and watch the content over a call as well. Lets talk more.

Here is the link for the course.

Monday, 11 December · 7:00 to 7:30 PM

Time zone: America/Chicago

Google Meet joining info

Video call link: