Write a FizzBuzz program from 1 to 100. Print “Fizz” for multiples of three, “Buzz” for multiples of five, and “FizzBuzz” for multiples of both. How would you handle variations of the prompt, such as user-defined limits or words to print, or gracefully handle invalid input? Explain your approach and assumptions made.

8 years ago

Write a program that prints the numbers from 1 to 100. But for multiples of three print “Fizz” instead of the number and for the multiples of five print “Buzz”. For numbers which are multiples of both three and five print “FizzBuzz”.


  • Your solution should be runnable and demonstrate the output.
  • Focus on clean, readable code.
  • Consider edge cases and error handling (though not strictly required for this basic version).
  • Provide a brief explanation of your approach and any assumptions you made.



Variations (optional, for a more challenging exercise):

  1. Allow the user to input the upper limit of the range (instead of always going to 100).
  2. Allow the user to input the numbers to use for "Fizz" and "Buzz" (instead of always using 3 and 5).
  3. Allow the user to input the words to use for "Fizz" and "Buzz" (instead of always using "Fizz" and "Buzz").
  4. Handle invalid inputs gracefully.

This question assesses a candidate's basic programming skills, understanding of loops and conditional statements, and ability to write clean, understandable code. The variations allow for exploring error handling, input validation, and more flexible program design.

Sample Answer

FizzBuzz Solution

This program implements the classic FizzBuzz problem, printing numbers from 1 to 100 (or a user-specified limit). Multiples of 3 are replaced with "Fizz", multiples of 5 with "Buzz", and multiples of both with "FizzBuzz".


def fizzbuzz(limit=100, fizz_num=3, buzz_num=5, fizz_word="Fizz", buzz_word="Buzz"):
    """Prints FizzBuzz sequence up to the given limit.

        limit (int): The upper limit of the sequence (inclusive).
        fizz_num (int): The number to use for "Fizz" (default: 3).
        buzz_num (int): The number to use for "Buzz" (default: 5).
        fizz_word (str): The word to use for "Fizz" (default: "Fizz").
        buzz_word (str): The word to use for "Buzz" (default: "Buzz").
    if not isinstance(limit, int) or limit <= 0:
        print("Invalid limit. Please enter a positive integer.")

    if not isinstance(fizz_num, int) or fizz_num <= 0:
        print("Invalid Fizz number. Please enter a positive integer.")

    if not isinstance(buzz_num, int) or buzz_num <= 0:
        print("Invalid Buzz number. Please enter a positive integer.")

    for i in range(1, limit + 1):
        output = ""
        if i % fizz_num == 0:
            output += fizz_word
        if i % buzz_num == 0:
            output += buzz_word

        if output:

# Example usage with default values

# Example usage with custom values
# fizzbuzz(limit=50, fizz_num=7, buzz_num=11, fizz_word="Foo", buzz_word="Bar")


  1. fizzbuzz(limit=100, fizz_num=3, buzz_num=5, fizz_word="Fizz", buzz_word="Buzz") Function:

    • Takes the upper limit of the sequence (limit), the numbers for "Fizz" and "Buzz" (fizz_num, buzz_num), and the words to use (fizz_word, buzz_word) as input.
    • Includes input validation to ensure that limit, fizz_num, and buzz_num are positive integers.
    • Iterates through numbers from 1 to limit (inclusive).
    • For each number, it checks if it's divisible by fizz_num and/or buzz_num.
    • If divisible by fizz_num, it appends fizz_word to the output string.
    • If divisible by buzz_num, it appends buzz_word to the output string.
    • If the output string is not empty (meaning the number is divisible by either fizz_num or buzz_num or both), it prints the output string. Otherwise, it prints the number itself.
  2. Example Usage:

    • fizzbuzz(): Calls the function with default values, printing the FizzBuzz sequence from 1 to 100 with 3 as "Fizz" and 5 as "Buzz".
    • fizzbuzz(limit=50, fizz_num=7, buzz_num=11, fizz_word="Foo", buzz_word="Bar"): (Commented out) Shows how to call the function with custom values to change the limit, numbers, and words.


  • The input limit, fizz_num, and buzz_num are expected to be positive integers. Input validation is included to handle cases where they are not.
  • The input fizz_word and buzz_word are expected to be strings.

Variations Handled

  1. User-specified limit: The limit parameter allows the user to define the upper bound of the sequence.
  2. User-specified numbers for Fizz and Buzz: The fizz_num and buzz_num parameters allow the user to change the divisors for "Fizz" and "Buzz".
  3. User-specified words for Fizz and Buzz: The fizz_word and buzz_word parameters allow the user to customize the words used for "Fizz" and "Buzz".
  4. Invalid input handling: The code includes basic input validation to check if the limit, fizz number and buzz number are positive integers. It prints an error message if the input is invalid.