System Design: Door Entry Prediction
This document outlines a system design for detecting people near a door and predicting whether they will enter. The system leverages computer vision, machine learning, and various sensors to achieve accurate and timely predictions.
1. Requirements
Use Cases
- Real-time Detection: The system must detect people approaching the door in real-time.
- Entry Prediction: The system must predict whether a detected person will enter the door with a high degree of accuracy.
- Data Logging: The system should log events, including detections, predictions, and actual entry events, for analysis and model improvement.
- Alerting: The system should provide alerts based on specific entry patterns or anomalies.
User Stories
- As a building manager, I want to track entry patterns to optimize staffing.
- As a security officer, I want to receive alerts for unusual entry attempts.
- As a researcher, I want to analyze entry data to understand pedestrian behavior.
2. High-Level Design
The system comprises the following components:
- Video Capture: Cameras placed strategically around the door capture video streams.
- Person Detection Module: A computer vision model detects people in the video frames.
- Tracking Module: The tracking module maintains the identity of detected people as they move within the camera's field of view.
- Feature Extraction Module: This module extracts relevant features from the video, such as speed, direction, proximity to the door, body language, and facial cues.
- Prediction Module: A machine learning model uses extracted features to predict whether a person will enter the door.
- Data Storage: A database stores detection events, predictions, and entry confirmations.
- Alerting System: This system triggers alerts based on predefined rules or anomalies detected in the data.
Component Interaction Diagram:
[Diagram: System components interacting with each other: Camera capturing video -> Person Detection -> Tracking -> Feature Extraction -> Prediction -> Data Storage and Alerting.]
3. Data Model
We will use a relational database (e.g., PostgreSQL) to store the data.
Persons Table:
Field | Type | Description |
person_id | UUID | Unique identifier for each person detected. |
first_seen | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of when the person was first detected. |
last_seen | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of when the person was last seen. |
Detections Table:
Field | Type | Description |
detection_id | UUID | Unique identifier for each detection event. |
person_id | UUID | Foreign key referencing Persons table. |
timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of the detection. |
x | FLOAT | X-coordinate of the person's bounding box. |
y | FLOAT | Y-coordinate of the person's bounding box. |
width | FLOAT | Width of the person's bounding box. |
height | FLOAT | Height of the person's bounding box. |
camera_id | VARCHAR | ID of the camera that made the detection. |
Features Table:
Field | Type | Description |
feature_id | UUID | Unique identifier for each feature set. |
detection_id | UUID | Foreign key referencing Detections table. |
speed | FLOAT | Speed of the person in pixels/second. |
direction | FLOAT | Angle of the person's movement relative to the door. |
distance_to_door | FLOAT | Distance from the person to the door in pixels. |
body_language | TEXT | Description of body language (e.g., "looking at door"). |
facial_cues | TEXT | Description of facial expression (if available). |
Predictions Table:
Field | Type | Description |
prediction_id | UUID | Unique identifier for each prediction. |
detection_id | UUID | Foreign key referencing Detections table. |
timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of the prediction. |
prediction | BOOLEAN | Predicted entry (TRUE for enter, FALSE for not). |
confidence | FLOAT | Confidence level of the prediction. |
model_version | VARCHAR | Version of the prediction model used. |
EntryEvents Table:
Field | Type | Description |
event_id | UUID | Unique identifier for each entry event. |
person_id | UUID | Foreign key referencing Persons table. |
timestamp | TIMESTAMP | Timestamp of the entry event. |
entry | BOOLEAN | TRUE for entry, FALSE for exit. |
camera_id | VARCHAR | ID of the camera that detected the entry event. |
4. Endpoints
Detection Endpoint
Endpoint: /detect
Method: POST
"camera_id": "camera1",
"image_data": "base64 encoded image",
"timestamp": "2024-01-01T12:00:00Z"
"detections": [
"person_id": "uuid1",
"x": 100,
"y": 200,
"width": 50,
"height": 100
Prediction Endpoint
Alert Endpoint
5. Tradeoffs
Component | Approach | Pros | Cons |
Person Detection | YOLOv5 | High accuracy, real-time performance. | Requires significant computational resources. |
Tracking | DeepSORT | Robust tracking even with occlusions. | Can be computationally expensive. |
Feature Extraction | Custom CNN | Tailored features for entry prediction. | Requires extensive training data and model optimization. |
Prediction Model | LSTM | Captures temporal dependencies in movement patterns. | Can be complex to train and tune. |
Data Storage | PostgreSQL | Reliable, scalable, supports complex queries. | Can be more expensive than NoSQL options. |
Hardware | Edge Computing (Nvidia) | Low latency, reduced bandwidth usage, enhanced privacy. | Higher upfront cost, requires specialized skills for deployment. |
6. Other Approaches
- Person Detection: Alternatives include Faster R-CNN, SSD, or even simpler background subtraction techniques.
- Pros: Simpler to implement and train, lower computational requirements.
- Cons: Lower accuracy, less robust to changes in lighting and background.
- Tracking: Alternatives include Kalman filters, optical flow-based methods.
- Pros: Less computationally intensive than DeepSORT.
- Cons: Less robust to occlusions and changes in appearance.
- Prediction Model: Alternatives include simpler classifiers like logistic regression, SVMs, or decision trees.
- Pros: Faster training and prediction, easier to interpret.
- Cons: Lower accuracy, less able to capture complex temporal patterns.
- Data Storage: Alternatives include NoSQL databases like MongoDB.
- Pros: More flexible schema, easier to scale horizontally.
- Cons: Less mature ecosystem, may not support complex queries as efficiently.
- Hardware: Cloud-based processing.
- Pros: Lower upfront cost, easier to manage.
- Cons: Higher latency, requires more bandwidth, potential privacy concerns.
7. Edge Cases
- Multiple People: The system should accurately track and predict the entry behavior of multiple people approaching the door simultaneously.
- Solution: The tracking module must be robust enough to handle crowded scenes. The prediction module can consider interactions between people.
- Occlusions: People may be partially or fully occluded by other objects or people.
- Solution: The tracking module should use techniques like re-identification to maintain track of people even when they are occluded. The prediction module can use contextual information to infer entry intentions.
- Lighting Changes: Sudden changes in lighting can affect the performance of the detection and tracking modules.
- Solution: The system should use adaptive image processing techniques to compensate for lighting changes. The models should be trained on data with diverse lighting conditions.
- Unusual Behavior: People may exhibit unusual behavior, such as loitering near the door or repeatedly approaching and retreating.
- Solution: The system can use anomaly detection techniques to identify unusual behavior and flag it for further investigation. The prediction model can be adapted to learn from such behaviors.
- Camera Failure: The system should gracefully handle camera failures without interrupting overall functionality.
- Solution: Redundant cameras can be deployed to provide backup coverage. The system should automatically switch to a backup camera if the primary camera fails.
8. Future Considerations
- Improved Accuracy: Continuously improve the accuracy of the prediction model by collecting more data and exploring more advanced machine learning techniques.
- Integration with Access Control: Integrate the system with access control systems to automatically unlock the door for authorized personnel.
- Personalized Predictions: Develop personalized prediction models that take into account individual preferences and habits.
- Expanded Sensor Integration: Integrate data from other sensors, such as proximity sensors and RFID readers, to improve the accuracy of the predictions.
- Scalability: Design the system to handle a large number of cameras and users.
- Privacy Enhancements: Implement privacy-preserving techniques to protect the identity of the people being tracked.
- Real-time Feedback Loop: Implement a real-time feedback loop to adapt the system to changing environmental conditions and user behavior.