Design API to display total iOS downloads from different devices in a graph

8 years ago

Design an API to display the total number of iOS downloads from different devices in a graph.

Sample Answer

API Design: iOS Download Statistics Graph

This document outlines the design of an API to display the total number of iOS downloads from different devices in a graph format. This API will provide the data necessary to visualize download trends across various iOS devices, helping understand user adoption and platform preferences.

1. Requirements

  • Functional Requirements:
    • Provide the total number of downloads for a given time range.
    • Categorize downloads by specific iOS device types (e.g., iPhone 13, iPad Pro).
    • Support filtering by date ranges (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly, custom).
    • Return data in a format suitable for graph plotting (e.g., JSON).
  • Non-Functional Requirements:
    • Performance: The API should respond quickly, ideally within a few hundred milliseconds.
    • Scalability: The system should handle a large number of requests and data volume.
    • Security: The API should be secure and only accessible to authorized users/systems.

2. High-Level Design

The system will consist of the following components:

  1. API Gateway: Entry point for all API requests.
  2. Authentication/Authorization Service: Verifies the identity and permissions of the requester.
  3. Download Statistics Service: Processes requests for download statistics, retrieves data from the database, and formats it for the API response.
  4. Database: Stores download event data, including device type and timestamp.
  5. Caching Layer: Improves response time by caching frequently requested data.


[API Gateway] --> [Authentication/Authorization Service]
[API Gateway] --> [Download Statistics Service]
[Download Statistics Service] --> [Caching Layer]
[Download Statistics Service] --> [Database]

3. Data Model

We will use a relational database to store the download event data. Here's the schema for the downloads table:

idINTPrimary key, auto-increment
device_typeVARCHARType of iOS device (e.g., iPhone 13, iPad Pro)
download_dateTIMESTAMPDate and time of the download
app_idINTID of the downloaded application

4. Endpoints

Endpoint: /api/v1/downloads/ios/stats

  • Method: GET

  • Description: Retrieves download statistics for iOS devices.

  • Request Parameters:

    • start_date (string, optional): Start date for the statistics (YYYY-MM-DD). Defaults to 30 days ago.
    • end_date (string, optional): End date for the statistics (YYYY-MM-DD). Defaults to today.
    • device_type (string, optional): Filter by a specific device type (e.g., iPhone 13). If not provided, returns data for all devices.
    • granularity (string, optional): Granularity of the data (daily, weekly, monthly). Defaults to daily.
  • Request Example:

  • Response JSON:

      "status": "success",
      "data": [
          "date": "2024-01-01",
          "device_type": "iPhone 13",
          "downloads": 12345
          "date": "2024-01-08",
          "device_type": "iPhone 13",
          "downloads": 67890
          "date": "2024-01-15",
          "device_type": "iPhone 13",
          "downloads": 45678

5. Tradeoffs

DatabaseRelational Database (e.g., PostgreSQL)Strong consistency, ACID properties, mature technologyCan be more complex to scale horizontally compared to NoSQL databases
CachingRedisFast read/write, in-memory data storage, supports various data structuresData loss on failure if not configured for persistence
Data AggregationPerformed at query timeMore up-to-date data, simpler data storageCan be slower for large datasets
Authentication/AuthorizationOAuth 2.0Industry standard, supports delegation of access, secureRequires integration with an identity provider
GranularityPre-calculated aggregates (daily, weekly, monthly)Faster retrieval for common granularitiesRequires more storage and maintenance of aggregated data

6. Other Approaches

  • NoSQL Database (e.g., MongoDB): Could be used for storing download events. Pros: More flexible schema, easier horizontal scaling. Cons: Weaker consistency, requires more application-level logic for data integrity.
  • Pre-Aggregated Data: Pre-calculate and store aggregated statistics in a separate table. Pros: Faster retrieval for common queries. Cons: Increased storage requirements, requires maintaining the aggregated data.
  • Data Warehouse (e.g., Snowflake): Suitable for large-scale data analysis and reporting. Pros: Optimized for analytical queries, supports complex aggregations. Cons: Higher cost, more complex setup.

7. Edge Cases

  • Sudden Spike in Downloads: Implement rate limiting to prevent the API from being overwhelmed. Use caching to serve pre-computed results during peak times.
  • Invalid Date Ranges: Validate the input date ranges to ensure they are valid. Return an appropriate error message if the date range is invalid.
  • Missing Data: Handle cases where data is missing for certain device types or date ranges. Return a default value (e.g., 0) or indicate that data is unavailable.
  • Timezone Issues: Ensure all timestamps are stored in a consistent timezone (e.g., UTC) and handle timezone conversions appropriately.
  • Data Inconsistency: Implement data validation and integrity checks to ensure the accuracy of the download statistics.

8. Future Considerations

  • Real-time Data: Implement real-time data streaming using technologies like Kafka or RabbitMQ to provide up-to-the-minute download statistics.
  • Advanced Analytics: Integrate with a data analytics platform to perform more advanced analysis, such as cohort analysis and user segmentation.
  • Personalized Dashboards: Allow users to create personalized dashboards with custom metrics and visualizations.
  • Support for More Platforms: Extend the API to support other platforms, such as Android and web, to provide a comprehensive view of application downloads.