How would you design an elevator control system?

6 years ago

Design an elevator control system method to pick the best elevator for a button press. Consider factors like current location, direction, and destination.

Sample Answer

Elevator Control System: Picking the Best Elevator

This problem focuses on designing a method within an elevator control system to efficiently select the most suitable elevator in response to a button press on a specific floor. The method needs to account for various factors such as the current location of elevators, their direction of travel, and their existing destinations.


  • Minimize passenger waiting time.
  • Consider elevator direction and current floor.
  • Balance elevator usage to prevent wear and tear on a single elevator.
  • Handle edge cases such as an empty elevator system or malfunctioning elevators.

High-Level Design

The core component is the ElevatorController which manages a list of Elevator objects. When a user presses a button on a floor, the ElevatorController's pickBestElevator method is invoked to determine the optimal elevator to handle the request. The key elements are:

  • Elevator: Represents a single elevator car, containing its current floor, direction (up, down, or idle), and destination queue.
  • ElevatorController: Manages all elevators, receiving floor requests, selecting the best elevator, and dispatching it.
  • Request: Represents a floor request with a source floor and direction (up or down).

Data Model

We will use in-memory data structures to represent the state of the elevators and requests. For a real-world application, this data could be stored in a database or a distributed cache.

Elevator Table

elevatorIdINTEGERUnique identifier for the elevator.
currentFloorINTEGERThe current floor the elevator is on.
directionENUMThe current direction of the elevator (UP, DOWN, IDLE).
destinationQueueLISTA list of floors the elevator is scheduled to visit, ordered by the sequence in which they will be visited.
statusENUMThe current status of the elevator (ACTIVE, INACTIVE, MAINTENANCE). Inactive or maintenance elevators should not be considered for requests.


This system primarily involves internal logic for elevator management, so external API endpoints are limited. However, for monitoring and control, we could define the following endpoints:

  • GET /elevators: Returns the status of all elevators.

        "elevatorId": 1,
        "currentFloor": 3,
        "direction": "UP",
        "destinationQueue": [5, 8],
        "status": "ACTIVE"
        "elevatorId": 2,
        "currentFloor": 7,
        "direction": "IDLE",
        "destinationQueue": [],
        "status": "ACTIVE"
  • POST /request: Accepts a new floor request.


      "sourceFloor": 2,
      "direction": "UP"


      "elevatorId": 2

Algorithm for pickBestElevator

  1. Filter Available Elevators: Exclude elevators that are inactive or under maintenance.
  2. Identify Elevators Moving in the Same Direction: Find elevators moving in the same direction as the request and are either approaching the source floor or are currently idle.
  3. Calculate Distance/Cost: Calculate a cost for each elevator based on factors such as:
    • Distance to the source floor.
    • Whether the elevator is moving towards or away from the source floor.
    • The number of stops the elevator has before reaching the source floor.
  4. Prioritize Idle Elevators: Give idle elevators a slightly lower cost to encourage their use and prevent them from being idle for too long.
  5. Select the Lowest Cost Elevator: Choose the elevator with the lowest calculated cost.
  6. Update Destination Queue: Add the source floor to the selected elevator's destination queue.

Code Implementation (Conceptual)

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Comparator;

enum Direction {UP, DOWN, IDLE}

class Elevator {
    int elevatorId;
    int currentFloor;
    Direction direction;
    List<Integer> destinationQueue;
    Status status;

    public Elevator(int elevatorId, int currentFloor, Direction direction, Status status) {
        this.elevatorId = elevatorId;
        this.currentFloor = currentFloor;
        this.direction = direction;
        this.destinationQueue = new ArrayList<>();
        this.status = status;

    // Getters and setters

    public int distanceTo(int floor) {
        return Math.abs(currentFloor - floor);

class ElevatorController {
    List<Elevator> elevators;

    public ElevatorController(int numberOfElevators) {
        this.elevators = new ArrayList<>();
        for (int i = 0; i < numberOfElevators; i++) {
            elevators.add(new Elevator(i, 1, Direction.IDLE, Status.ACTIVE)); // Initialize all elevators at floor 1

    public Elevator pickBestElevator(int sourceFloor, Direction requestDirection) {
        List<Elevator> availableElevators = new ArrayList<>();
        for (Elevator elevator : elevators) {
            if (elevator.status == Status.ACTIVE) {

        if (availableElevators.isEmpty()) {
            return null; // No available elevators

        Elevator bestElevator =
                .min(Comparator.comparingDouble(elevator -> calculateCost(elevator, sourceFloor, requestDirection)))

        if (bestElevator != null) {
            bestElevator.destinationQueue.sort(Comparator.comparingInt(i -> i)); //Sort the queue
            if (bestElevator.currentFloor < sourceFloor) {
                bestElevator.direction = Direction.UP;
            } else if (bestElevator.currentFloor > sourceFloor) {
                bestElevator.direction = Direction.DOWN;

        return bestElevator;

    private double calculateCost(Elevator elevator, int sourceFloor, Direction requestDirection) {
        double cost = elevator.distanceTo(sourceFloor);

        // Penalize elevators moving away from the requested floor
        if (elevator.direction == Direction.UP && elevator.currentFloor > sourceFloor) {
            cost += 50; // Arbitrary penalty
        } else if (elevator.direction == Direction.DOWN && elevator.currentFloor < sourceFloor) {
            cost += 50; // Arbitrary penalty

        // Reward idle elevators
        if (elevator.direction == Direction.IDLE) {
            cost -= 20; // Arbitrary reward

        return cost;

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ElevatorController controller = new ElevatorController(3);
        Elevator bestElevator = controller.pickBestElevator(5, Direction.UP);

        if (bestElevator != null) {
            System.out.println("Best elevator: " + bestElevator.elevatorId);
        } else {
            System.out.println("No elevators available.");


Cost-Based SelectionOptimizes for minimal waiting time, balances elevator usage.Requires careful tuning of cost factors; may not be perfectly fair in all scenarios.
Prioritizing Idle ElevatorsPrevents elevators from being idle for extended periods, improving overall system efficiency.May lead to sub-optimal choices if an elevator slightly further away is already moving in the right direction.
In-Memory DataSimple and fast for prototyping.Not suitable for large-scale systems; data is lost on system failure.

Other Approaches

  • First-Come, First-Served: Assign the request to the first available elevator. This is simple to implement but doesn't optimize for waiting time.
  • Zone-Based Assignment: Divide the building into zones and assign elevators to specific zones. This can reduce travel time but may lead to uneven elevator usage.
  • Machine Learning: Use a machine learning model to predict waiting times and optimize elevator assignments. This could provide better performance but requires a large amount of training data and complex implementation.

Edge Cases

  • Elevator Breakdowns: Handle elevator malfunctions gracefully by excluding the broken elevator from consideration and re-assigning its requests.
  • High Traffic: During peak hours, the system may become overloaded. Implement request queuing and prioritize requests based on waiting time.
  • Empty Building: When there are no active requests, elevators should return to a designated "home" floor (e.g., the ground floor) to minimize response time.
  • Simultaneous Requests: Handle multiple simultaneous requests efficiently using a request queue and prioritizing them based on urgency.

Future Considerations

  • Predictive Analysis: Use historical data to predict future traffic patterns and proactively position elevators to minimize waiting times.
  • Integration with Building Management Systems: Integrate with other building systems (e.g., access control) to optimize elevator usage based on user profiles and destinations.
  • Smart Dispatching: Implement advanced dispatching algorithms that consider factors such as passenger load and elevator capacity to further optimize performance.
  • Real-time Monitoring and Analytics: Implement real-time monitoring and analytics to track elevator performance, identify bottlenecks, and optimize system parameters.