Join Walt Disney Animation Studios' Talent Development Apprenticeship Program, an immersive experience for emerging artists in Character Technical Direction. Based in Burbank, California, starting February 2025, this program offers unique mentorship opportunities under Disney artists. The role focuses on Technical Animation, including character effects, simulation setup, and rigging.
The first four months introduce you to Character TD animation, studio culture, and production environment. You'll learn essential skills and philosophies while receiving mentorship from experienced Disney artists. A four-month review provides feedback and determines future assignments and promotional opportunities in production environments.
The Character TD role combines technical expertise with artistic vision, working on crucial aspects of animation including cloth simulation, hair dynamics, and character finaling. You'll collaborate with various departments while developing your skills in a supportive environment.
This is an exceptional opportunity to begin your career at one of the world's most prestigious animation studios, known for creating beloved films from Snow White to recent hits like Moana and Encanto. You'll be part of a legacy of innovation while working with cutting-edge technology and industry-leading artists.
The program offers competitive compensation at $30.77 per hour with benefits. Candidates should have less than 5 years of experience, strong technical skills, and a passion for animation. This is a chance to contribute to the next generation of animated storytelling while developing your craft under the guidance of industry veterans.