KAYAK, a Booking Holdings company, stands as the world's premier travel search engine, processing billions of queries across their platforms. They help travelers find optimal flights, accommodations, rental cars, cruises, and vacation packages. The company is seeking a Java Backend Developer to join their dynamic Flights team in Kaunas.
The role involves working with a sophisticated system that integrates with over 200 travel partners, connecting to 500,000+ hotels, 550 airlines, and 1000 rental car companies. As a backend developer, you'll be crucial in maintaining and improving their world-leading search and booking technology, directly impacting millions of travelers' experiences.
The position offers a hybrid work environment, requiring at least 3 days per week in the Kaunas office, while providing flexibility with up to 20 days of remote work annually. The company provides an impressive benefits package, including career development opportunities, comprehensive health coverage, mental health support, and various lifestyle perks such as free yoga sessions and lunch benefits.
KAYAK fosters a diverse and inclusive workplace, welcoming candidates from all backgrounds. They offer a collaborative environment where you'll work with cross-functional teams, implement new search integrations, and optimize high-performance systems. The ideal candidate should have strong Java expertise, experience with various technologies like SQL, Redis, and Kafka, and a passion for creating outstanding user experiences in the travel industry.
This opportunity allows you to be part of a global network that includes renowned brands like OpenTable, Swoodoo, checkfelix, momondo, and others, while contributing to technology that helps people experience the world through travel.