Paper Reading: MyRocks: LSM-Tree Database Storage Engine Serving Facebook's Social Graph

Session led by Dharin Shah

Event description

Facebook uses MySQL to manage tens of petabytes of data in its main database named the User Database (UDB). UDB serves social activities such as likes, comments, and shares. In the past, Facebook used InnoDB, a B+Tree based storage engine as the backend. The challenge was to find an index structure using less space and write amplification.

LSM-tree has the potential to greatly improve these two bottlenecks. RocksDB, an LSM tree-based key/value store was already widely used in variety of applications but had a very low-level key-value interface. To overcome these limitations, MyRocks, a new MySQL storage engine, was built on top of RocksDB by adding relational capabilities. With MyRocks, using the RocksDB API, significant efficiency gains were achieved while still benefiting from all the MySQL features and tools. The transition was mostly transparent to client applications.

The paper was published at the International Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB): https://research.facebook.com/publications/myrocks-lsm-tree-database-storage-engine-serving-facebooks-social-graph/.

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