Break Into Tech And Become A Software Engineer [Part 14] - Networking Without Being Weird

In this lesson, Brian emphasizes the importance of authentic online networking and provides strategies to build genuine connections without being cringy.

This lesson covers:

  • Avoiding the common mistake of sending unsolicited requests for jobs or favors and focusing on building relationships instead
  • Engaging with others by commenting on their posts and asking genuine questions to foster meaningful interactions
  • Curating your feed by following like-minded individuals who share valuable content, ensuring that your online experience is constructive and positive

If you need extra help breaking into tech, join Brian's exclusive, cohort-based bootcamp (just 10 students per batch). Use this special link for $800 off: https://www.parsity.io/taro

Connect with Brian on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianjenney/