Break Into Tech And Become A Software Engineer [Part 19] - Selling Yourself As A Developer

In this lesson, Brian explains how to effectively market yourself as a software developer by positioning your skills and experience clearly to potential employers.

This lesson covers:

  • Presenting yourself as a software developer, ensuring your resume and LinkedIn profile immediately reflect your skills and experiences in the field
  • Avoiding terms like "junior" or "aspiring" developer and instead using strong language that showcases confidence, such as "architected," "led," and "deployed"
  • Framing your achievements with a formula that highlights the technology used, the features created, and the outcomes achieved, demonstrating the value you bring to a team

If you need extra help breaking into tech, join Brian's exclusive, cohort-based bootcamp (just 10 students per batch). Use this special link for $800 off: https://www.parsity.io/taro

Connect with Brian on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/brianjenney/