I'm currently working on building blockchain infrastructure. I would like to build my profile to be a good infra engineer capable of building any type of infra. How to find some good side-projects to strengthen my abilities as an infra engineer. What are the different aspects I should master while doing the side projects?
This is what I am thinking of doing as of now. I'm planning to build a social media platform using different architectures such as microservices, event-driven architecture, monolithic architecture, and trying to deploy in various ways such as using K8S, deploying it on ECS, etc., and comparing the performance. It seems pretty big. Is this the right size and a good example for a side project for infra engineers? Please suggest anything else I could do get better.
That seems like too daunting a side project, and also quite ambiguous on what the user value is. If your goal is to go deep on infrastructure, can you focus on open source instead? My initial recommendation would be to look at TinyBase, an open source project from James Pearce (former Eng Director at Meta).
You can likely contribute to TinyBase if you go through the course from James here: Become An Open Source Master.