Side project feedback please and thank you: Automated Job Hunt Spreadsheet

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Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community2 months ago

Inspiration: Every time I start my own job hunt, I end up starting a spreadsheet and then not updating it as things get crazy and then I get overwhelmed.

I want a spreadsheet that updates by itself - with company name and current stage (i.e. Applied, Referred, Contacted by company, Recruiter screen, Take-home assignment, Technical screen, Hiring manager screen, Behavioral screen, No reply, Rejected) as well as any upcoming interview dates.

Competitors: Existing job trackers exist as part of sites like Teal, Huntr, Rolepad BUT they all require you to enter the information (or use an extension to manually import jobs as you apply to them). There is no job tracker that automates the information gathering / status updates for you.

Build: Free, open source on GitHub, deployed on free tier of Render. Hobby/Indie/Free tier currently includes auto deploys from git, 100 GB outbound bandwidth, 500 pipeline minutes per month, managed Redis data store (not persistent)

Tech: Web app (FastAPI / Python) with Google Gmail API integration (oauth2), HTML, CSV file, and probably adding Redis to clean up old files. I am also contemplating a Google Sheets integration instead of a CSV spreadsheet as the output.

The Gmail integration allows the app to read your job-related emails and then parse into a spreadsheet for you to download.



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    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    2 months ago

    From a product value perspective, this idea is extremely good. You are taking a manual behavior that everyone is already doing and automating it with the power of code, which is the classic value add of software. This tool would also make it very easy for folks to follow the advice in our job searching course about building and understanding your interview funnel.

    The problem with this idea is that it's very complex despite technically being a solo-player app:

    1. The technology is complicated - You need to ingest the data from Gmail (3rd party integrations are always hard due to regular API/SDK changes), process it with an LLM (which won't always get the interview stage right I'm sure as this is fuzzy data), and then convert everything into structured data (the schema is no joke either, and you'll probably need a lot of fields).
    2. You need the UI to be good - You are competing with someone just manually organizing their emails into certain folders/tags, and the Gmail UI is honestly not too bad. You need to be a step function better to be able to attract users, which means that your UI really does need to be clean, smooth, and intuitive. The design bar is high as Sai mentioned.

    In short, you will need to be both good and back-end and front-end for this to have a real chance at success. The bright side is that even if this side project doesn't get any real traction, I'm sure you'll learn a ton just building it.

    As for an MVP, I'm having trouble scoping it down into something super-duper simple that also provides some modicum of user value. I'm thinking you need to set up the Gmail ingestion (obviously), and from there, just have the LLM parse out a company and a status enum field? From there, you show it in a table of some sort. That should be enough to share, and if you really grind at it, I think you can have something decently polished in 1 week?

    I've actually talked with other Taro members who have had a similar idea and tried building it, but none of them succeeded due to the aforementioned high quality bar. That being said, you are a senior engineer already, so you'll have a better shot.

    If you are able to pull this off, this will easily clear 10,000+ users and probably hit 100,000+ and maybe even 1 million+ as well. This is one of those side projects that can easily be turned into a legit tech startup if there's enough traction.

    Good luck!

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      ML Engineer
      a month ago


      Here is the only app i've seen pulled off where they made that tracker. Again due to the gmail integration I did not use it

    • 1
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      Senior Software Engineer [OP]
      Taro Community
      a month ago

      Thanks Sai for the link. I tried it, and it's a bit buggy with the loading screen flashing so hoping I can at least make a better user experience ;)

    • 1
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      Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
      a month ago

      ...so hoping I can at least make a better user experience ;)

      That's the spirit 😇

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    Mentor Coach for SWEs | Former Staff Software engineer
    a month ago

    Yes, email scraping would be the stickiest point that'd keep me from using this app (not saying this to discourage you but to highlight the extreme trust issue involved here). (Also, while GMail is ubiquitous, people use other email services as well.)

    When it comes to GMail though, you could try to use Google Apps Script that provides a native integration with GMail. But you'll likely still need to wrap this up in your app, which takes us back to the original problem.

    The key finer point I want to make is this:

    Regardless of the tech and trust solution, you're converting highly unstructured data to structured data and applying heuristics to predict the stage of any particular interview. The stakes are quite high—mis-prediction can mess up the interview pipeline for a given company very badly!

    So, I recommend that you show a snapshot of the email(s) that you processed to infer the interview stage in the UI, and give the user an easy way to correct the prediction made by your system.

    Also, I know this is quite ambitious already, but a neat extension would be some scraping basic facts about the company and culture and presenting it to the user—homework that savvy candidates do manually today and hopefully take notes on as part of their interview prep. It can become rather time-consuming.

    I'll be curious to know how this pans out!

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      Senior Software Engineer [OP]
      Taro Community
      a month ago

      Thank you Shine, that's a great point about allowing the user to correct the prediction!

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    Senior Software Engineer [OP]
    Taro Community
    a month ago

    So fun development, the project got chosen to be worked on in a partnership with the University of Toronto’s Intro to Software Engineering class this Spring 2025. Any helpful resources on remote collaboration would be greatly appreciated!

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    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    2 months ago

    I love this idea! Job seekers need all the help they can get, and a seamless tool to reflect on the job search process is valuable. Why I like this idea:

    • You're taking an existing user behavior and making it much easier. You're not introducing a new user behavior, so the likelihood of adoption is much higher.
    • You're integrating with (or planning to) Google Spreadsheets, which is where the majority of engineers already track their applications. This is better for you since it's less to build, and better for the user since they don't have to completely overhaul their workflow.
      • The main value you're providing is the core infra of trawling through my email and determining the next step.
    • There's a clear "why now" -- I'm guessing you're sending the emails into an LLM to determine if the email indicates a rejection, phone interview, offer, etc? This would have been hard/impossible 3 years ago, but is very achievable now.

    A few thoughts:

    • Could you show a 5-10 second video/gif of the tool? That would help people understand the core value and get excited by it.
    • One concern I'd have as a user is data protection. Is your tool going to read through all emails in my inbox? That would make me nervous. Or can I somehow indicate which emails are job related (e.g. only find emails that contain the list of companies in my spreadsheet). Probably worth having some messaging around that.
    • What are your plans to get initial users? Perhaps a Reddit or LinkedIn post where you offer to do "personalized onboarding" with the user so they can actually get value from it.
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      Senior Software Engineer [OP]
      Taro Community
      2 months ago

      Thanks Rahul, great feedback!
      I do think users are hesitant about the email reading. I guess the problem is you can't select emails unless you give my app access to read the emails lol! But maybe there's a way to surface the filter I'm using so users are aware of what's getting requested in the API call.

      A GIF is an awesome idea. Does it matter that the UI looks like trash? Literally

      I was thinking of hosting a LinkedIn event and adding those who show up as beta users.
      But reddit is a good idea too. Just nervous about posting in reddit do I make a throwaway account or an account just for the app?

    • 1
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      Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
      2 months ago

      One idea I was thinking about based on the screenshot: could the email reading be a one-time thing instead of constant polling? I'd feel more comfortable if I knew that the app got one-time access to my emails (and specify a date range/filters?) instead of continuous access.

      For a tool like this, the UI needs to be clear but doesn't have to be gorgeous. The innovation here is in the data and analytics.

      The LinkedIn event is a great idea, that's what Alex and I did in the early days for community building. You can invite several hundred people per week to events, so I'd make sure you invite anyone you think is relevant.

    • 3
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      ML Engineer
      2 months ago

      I love this idea! @OP in terms of UI, I think UI 100% matters a lot. The current bar for software is pretty high. Especially with AI it's very easy to get a pretty decent UI with not that much effort. I use v0 to mock up basic components and then drop in my codebase and rewire logic/state manipulation with cursor

      Take for example this which I made with 1 prompt:


      I do agree with Rahul's concern of Gmail intergration. I am also personally not a fan of downloading random chrome extensions bc i dont trust it what its doing/what data it accesses

      Is there a way maybe we can just drop in links and it auto parses everything? and adds to tracker?

      In terms of reddit donot make a "branded" account. any time you market it you should always use a personal account because it feels more authentic. People, especially on reddit, hate being "advertised" to, and if your account has history/is old thats even better. You can still make a new account if you dont want your old account being associated with this, just dont brand it and keep it personal and authentic. Also keep in mind a lot of subreddits on reddit dont allow promos and also have minimum karma requirements

      I would also advertise this on show Hacker News. I think this would do pretty well there. Twitter if youre active works great as well!

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      Senior Software Engineer [OP]
      Taro Community
      a month ago

      Thank you Sai for the feedback about gmail integration as well as advertising on Reddit and Hacker News. The v0 mock up is awesome! Thank you so much.

      I'm guessing there's two groups of people that'd use the app - people that are already somewhat organized (like how you're saying you'd like to just drop in links) - and then there's the people that I'm catering to = people who are not organized at all and are starting from nothing, zero tracking.

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      Senior Software Engineer [OP]
      Taro Community
      a month ago

      I posted on reddit from my personal account. Wish me luck and a thick skin ! https://www.reddit.com/r/SideProject/comments/1i9qf0m/building_a_free_tool_to_make_your_job_hunt_easier/

    • 2
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      ML Engineer
      a month ago

      My opinion on reading that reddit post is that's its too overwhelming. There's 8 different ideas, each of which are completely different.

      Focus on the pain points and work towards solutions, not the other way. Also asking to choose 5/8 is a bit confusing.

      My suggestion: Build an MVP, show on reddit and people will tell u what they want

      I suggest creating a weekend MVP and post on r/jobs

      Another angle to look at this project is to create a chrome extension that tracks job applications. I used to use simplify but its hit or miss. Ideally something that just works

    • 1
      Profile picture
      Senior Software Engineer [OP]
      Taro Community
      a month ago

      Thanks for the feedback on the reddit post Sai. Ended up posting a simpler version on LinkedIn with a 4 option quiz. https://www.linkedin.com/posts/liannanovitz_help-us-help-you-jobseekers-past-and-present-activity-7289138329025986561-GLQJ?utm_source=share&utm_medium=member_desktop - I don't want to waste my weekend building an MVP that people don't want haha

      (I do understand it'd be a good way to get feedback though, so I'll look into it!) The only reason I haven't blasted reddit with a link to the app is because it's not published / approved by Google yet for the public. But I can definitely do a dumb demo version that uses fake email data and just shows the intended workflow. Thank you again Sai.

      Tried v0 - here's what it came up with! I think it's ok but need to add more to it. https://v0.dev/chat/email-job-response-rate-brBkhiixsVw