Let's start by mentioning my manager has half the industry experience I have, but has just been longer (around 3-4 years) in the company than me. He comes from a data science background, while I come from CS/software engineering. He's been a manager for almost a year now, during which he's just proven over and over how incompetent he is at motivating employees to do great work. He has done and said the following (I know no-one is perfect, but knowing the standards Apple requires from engineers I just think it is too permissive with its managers)
What kind of managers do you have or have encountered and what’s your opinion about this ? I would have expected Apple managers to be a bit brighter and self-conscious.
Given the power difference between you and the manager it is likely a lost cause to try and bring matters to HR or to try and confront him directly. You will likely not come out on top in that battle, even if you do, how much worse do you think your relationship will be after you have a battle with him that involves HR.
Best option in my opinion is to find a way to switch teams. Try and maintain a decent relationship with him for a while so that he doesn't try to sabotage your efforts to move to a new team. It seems like your skills would be appreciated in another team. Worst case is you switch companies and with Apple on your resume yo can get call from other FAANG companies.
I have a little anecdote for you. During my first internship, my team lead was often rude and disrespectful. I tolerated his behavior for a while, but eventually, it became too much, and I reported his conduct to my skip manager (his supervisor). The next day, my skip manager called him in for a meeting first thing in the morning and had a conversation with him. After that, he rarely spoke to me, only interacting with me on a minimal, professional level. At the end of my internship, he had to complete an evaluation of my performance, and guess what? He gave me the worst evaluation possible, which led to the lowest grade from my university for my internship. I am certain this wouldn't have happened if I hadn't reported his behavior.
You are unlikely to completely overhaul your manager's behavior and conduct so either switch teams/managers or companies.
Wish you the best of luck!
I'm really glad you didn't go to HR as HR is there to protect the company, not you. It's painful to say this as I actually know a lot of very nice people in HR, but it's hard for them to do what's right given HR's messed up incentives.
As Supportive Tarodactyl mentioned, it's almost certainly best for you to change managers, either with an internal team switch (I'm sure there's many awesome teams at Apple) or a company switch. We need to make a course on how to choose a good team, but in the meantime, I recommend these:
For future promotion conversations, I recommend going through the "Set Up Success Criteria" section of my promotion course here: https://www.jointaro.com/course/nail-your-promotion-as-a-software-engineer/step-0-establish-yourself/
It's clear from your bullet points that you're on bad terms with your manager. You should switch teams. Involving HR or waiting for your manager to improve is almost certainly going to be a waste of time.
As an aside, this is why bad managers are so dangerous to a company. The blast radius of a bad manager is that 10+ engineers become ineffective and leave the company.
I also left a pretty detailed response here: How do I give critical feedback to my manager?