How can I be a better mentor?

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Senior Software Engineer at Kintsugi10 months ago

I am currently 'officially' mentoring two colleagues. I have mentored a number of people in the past, but I honestly never felt like I learned how to be effective as a mentor. I wish to change this.

What resources could help me improve my mentoring skills? Would it be beneficial for me to seek a 'mentoring mentor'?



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    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    10 months ago

    Here's the absolute basics with direct mentorship (i.e. you're on the same team):

    • Have a weekly or bi-weekly 1 on 1, following standard meeting principles (have agenda beforehand, take meeting notes)
    • Be on their pull requests (you don't have to leave feedback, but you should at least be attached as an observer on most, if not all of them)
    • Attend the same meetings as them where you can and just observe them in general (this allow you to give feedback proactively, instead of being reactive and waiting for them to have concrete problems)
    • Give them feedback where you can, and ask feedback from them regularly on your ability to explain complex concepts, review their code, teach them, and be a mentoring figure overall

    All of this (and much more) is captured in the playlist here: [Taro Top 10] Effective Mentorship And Growing Others

    • 1
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      Senior Software Engineer [OP]
      10 months ago

      I guess I'm better at this mentoring thing than I realized. I do all those things! 😅

  • 4
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    Staff Software Engineer [L6] at Google
    10 months ago

    Being a mentor is hard. I've had some great mentors in my career. I myself coach and mentor software engineers in and outside my org. Two main tips that bad mentors don't employ

    • Listen to learn: not to fix. You don't want to tell answers directly. Lead with curiosity and shape the thoughts of your mentee gently. Ask questions. Rephrase what they've said to understand further.
    • Respect and observe emotions: fear, frustration, joy, excitement -- all of these play an important role in how people operate. Notice and help notice your mentee these. Acknowledge them.
  • 4
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    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    10 months ago

    The best way to be a good mentor is to choose mentees carefully. That means:

    • Pick only people you have time for.
    • Pick people with whom you have a unique insight or ability to help them.

    Some great ideas how to do that here: How to find someone to mentor?

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