Asked to make a tough choice with reorg - move out of org or stay in current org and give up scope

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Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community2 months ago

Put on an exciting Staff level project for the last 6 months. Now, asked to make a tough choice - move out of Org or stay in current Org and give up scope.

Pros of moving:

  • Scope: getting multiple jr level engineers to carry out the scope I created.
  • Exciting product.

Cons of moving:

  • Current manager turned down the scope expansion.
  • Have built relationships within current team. Enjoy working with them (more familiar)
  • Less depth AI/ML work but more product heavy (which is high impact as well but slightly less interesting from ML standpoint)
  • Lots of unknowns with new team - unknowns beyond staff scope IMO

TLDR; What would others in the same situation recommend? From taro courses, Option 1 seems better. But there are unknowns especially with current manager refusing the offer.



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