I will review your resume for free

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New Grad in Germany4 months ago

Hey everyone!

I recently discovered Taro and I already got a ton of value from it. Thank you, Alex and Rahul, for creating this amazing community.

To give back, I'm happy to review the resumes of anyone interested and try to provide useful feedback. If you think you would find value in that, just share your resume here. If you're not a premium member, you can connect with me on LinkedIn at https://www.linkedin.com/in/vicentealmeida2/ and share it there.

Edit: I've received a ton of connection requests on LinkedIn. I am doing my best to get through everyone, but it might take a while. I will give priority to comments on this post, so if you have Taro Premium, share your resume directly here!



  • 1
    Profile picture
    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    4 months ago

    Wow, this is so nice of you, thanks Vicente! I'll share this in the Taro Premium Slack as well.

  • 0
    Profile picture
    Entry-Level Software Engineer at ThreatMatic™
    4 months ago

    What do you think Vicente? PDF

    • 2
      Profile picture
      New Grad [OP]
      4 months ago

      I think your resume is already quite good, Karthik! Content-wise, you’re following the main principles from the course Get More Interviews: Write A Stellar Resume As A Software Engineer: showing rather than telling, using strong verbs, good ordering, etc. Formatting- and structure-wise, your resume looks really polished (would love to know what tools you used). With that said, I think that there are some minor improvements you can make:

      • Include/highlight fewer technologies. Your resume currently contains many technologies across a broad range of SWE branches: frontend (React, SvelteKit), databases (InfluxDB, PostgreSQL), devops (Docker, AWS S3, GCP…), backend (REST, gRPC), etc. This might give a recruiter the impression that you’re not deeply familiar with any of them. A useful heuristic (from Alex’s course) is to ask yourself: “Can I have a great talk with a senior FAANG engineer about this technology?”. If not, don’t highlight it, and consider even removing it. Also, consider removing some of your weaker bullet points and doubling down on a specific specialization and/or technology stack, like your frontend experience with React/SvelteKit.
      • Polish language and grammar. There are a few sentences in your resume that are unclear or grammatically incorrect. A good tip is to read your writing out loud in order to identify parts that are unclear or confusing. Here are some specific issues that stood out, along with my suggestions on how you can rephrase the sentences:
        • ThreatMatic
        • 1st bullet point: The sentence is hard to read. It contains too many commas, which interrupts the flow.
        • 2nd bullet point: “Produced… with several layers…, and migrating…” -> “Produced… by introducing several layers…, and migrating…”
        • 5th bullet point: “Drove… that we dropped…” -> “Drove… which dropped…”
        • Walmart Global Tech
        • 2nd bullet point: Sentence structure is confusing.
        • 4th bullet point: “Rotated on on-call support.” -> “Participated in on-call support.”
      • Other minor issues
        • I would also include the months in the date range for your work experiences.
        • ThreatMatic 2nd bullet point: “Produced 100x faster page load times” - This number seems pretty round. Are you able to back it up if a recruiter asks you about it?
        • ThreatMatic 8th bullet point: “Served in product and design senses…” - This point is a bit ambiguous. Can you mention a specific task/feature that you implemented, or achievement to make the bullet point more concrete?

      I hope you find this helpful. Let me know if anything is unclear or if you would like me to expand on any of the points above. I would also love to hear Rahul and Alex’s thoughts, especially regarding the first point.

  • 0
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    Entry-Level Software Engineer
    4 months ago

    Wanted to get your opinion, Vicente

    • 0
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      New Grad [OP]
      4 months ago

      The link opens a blank tab. I think you might have entered it wrong.

  • 0
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    Software Engineer
    4 months ago

    Also, feel free to connect with https://www.linkedin.com/in/arrian-curry-software-engineer/ if you don't mind.


  • 0
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    Entry-Level Software Engineer
    4 months ago
    • 0
      Profile picture
      Entry-Level Software Engineer
      4 months ago

      Heres the google doc link