How do I network with execs and senior leadership?

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Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community17 days ago

I got an invited to a round-table lunch where there will be execs in my field.

How do I make sure I can turn this into a fruitful and effective networking opportunity?

What kind of questions should I craft to ask at the round-table lunch?



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    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    6 days ago

    Is there any incentive for these execs to help you? e.g. if they're at the same company, they naturally have a motivation to answer your questions and mentor you, since it indirectly helps them.

    You need to find common ground: If they're just celebrity industry veterans, it'll be hard to get something tangible from them.

    One idea is to have a concrete idea or proposal for them. The first thought that comes to mind is an invitation that you could profile them for your blog, or invite them for a talk. You can use the event as a jumping off point for a 2nd interaction.

    Another approach is to offer something of value. Share an insight or project that they'd want to know more about.

    There are some great answers here: How to network effectively in a tech event?