Meeting team for first time

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Software Engineering Intern at Taro Community3 months ago

Hey all, I am an intern at my company (where I want to return full-time). My work is fully remote and I am meeting my team members in-person for the first time this week for lunch + games (and with some of them I have not even talked with virtually). Want to get some tips on how I can create a great impression (e.g. what things to talk about with them, etc)



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    Eng @ Taro
    3 months ago

    Since you know most of your teammates from a work context, you can try to talk with them about non-work work, like what they like to do for fun.

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    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    3 months ago

    This quote comes to mind for me: "The best way to be interesting is to be interested."

    Ask thoughtful questions about what people work on, what they do outside of work, and share interesting observations. I wouldn't overthink it -- just be positive, enthusiastic, and curious!

    See also: Tips to do small talks, develop people skills and build a network?