Questions to directors leadership

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Mid-Level Software Engineer at Taro Communitya month ago

I have weekly meetings with leadership, and they consistently ask more about our timelines and engineering work, which I understand we need to provide.

Having said that, what are some of the questions we engineers can ask leadership/product to hold them accountable for some of the requirements?

What are some of the customer-centric questions we could ask?



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    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    a month ago

    hold them accountable for some of the requirements?

    The goal of these conversations should be to have a two-way exchange of information (and respect). You shouldn't feel the need to hold the leadership team to the fire -- I don't think this will lead to a trusted relationship.

    I'd ask "why" questions about the prioritization of features and what tradeoffs are being made.

    Some questions from Igor here: What should I talk or ask about in a 1:1 with the director of my org?

    1. What are the top priority issues in your Org I can help with?
    2. Is there anything about my teams that you want to understand better?
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    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    a month ago

    First, if you have any tactical needs (e.g. prioritization isn't clear or a timeline is falling behind), bring those up first. They will be responsible for making decisions around which product efforts come first, how to reduce scope, etc.

    Aside from that, use the meetings to clarify direction. As with any form of communication, your goal is to empathize with them as much as possible. Strive to understand what they care about and the North Star they're trying to establish for your organization.

    Having said that, what are some of the questions we engineers can ask leadership/product to hold them accountable for some of the requirements?

    Can you clarify this more? As Rahul mentioned, this feels a bit antagonistic, at least for me. Leadership is there to set vision and priorities, not to actually deliver anything. Maybe you're referring to how the requirements they hand down are uncleaR?