I noticed Alex's resume template doesn't have a skills section? is it needed? I know in the vids he says to not have a "skill soup" and keep it focused.
But do I even need a skills section?
I think a skills section could be valuable if you actually have skills that do not fit cleanly into the experiences you listed.
For example, if you have a bunch of older jobs or internship that you left off, you can list them in a skills section. But be careful not to go overboard here (especially if you're junior), since it can otherwise appear that your claims of proficiency are fake.
I actually originally had a skills section on earlier versions of my resume. I removed it later on as the technologies were organically woven into the experience sections anyways, and I was running out of space due to my work experience and side projects growing rapidly.
I definitely don't think you need one (I'm living proof of that), but if you have the space, you can put it down. It'll reinforce your resume a little bit against the ATS keyword checking in theory. I don't think it hurts you unless you need the space.
Makes sense, thank you so much!!! I think ill omit it because I would rather list more bullets about my work experience than skill soup