Valid behavioral interview weaknesses for E4 target Level

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Mid-Level Software Engineer at Taro Community6 months ago

If I talk about the following weaknesses:

  • My sometimes I prematurely propose pocs in my code that didn’t yield the right benefits

  • I optimized for code cleanliness in a complex problem w multiple edge cases and got pointed out in pair programming to make control flow explicit but repeated

Could I do well with those sorts of examples? It turns out I have a bunch of these examples. I’m tryna make sure these don’t make me look incompetent for my mid level target level for a big tech interview.

If they are good the theory is I have a lot of stories to do some real interviewing practice and refinement to make it better over time.



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    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    6 months ago

    My sometimes I prematurely propose pocs in my code that didn’t yield the right benefits

    Does pocs = Proof of concepts? Good training for a behavioral interview is to not use acronyms as I talk about here, hehe: https://www.jointaro.com/course/master-the-behavioral-interview-as-a-software-engineer/the-interviewer-isnt-you/

    This seems okay as a narrative.

    I optimized for code cleanliness in a complex problem w multiple edge cases and got pointed out in pair programming to make control flow explicit but repeated

    I feel far less good about this one. It's way too tactical.

    You need to find a more fundamental character flaw IMHO for the weakness question as I describe here: "Behavioral Interview Prep - "What's your greatest weakness?"

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      Mid-Level Software Engineer
      Taro Community
      6 months ago

      Was that last comment about the character flaw a comment to both options or like a comment to the bottom option?

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      Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
      6 months ago

      It's comment on both options as I personally feel like neither qualifies. This "weakness" question generally isn't asked to look for shortfalls in technical skill.

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    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    6 months ago

    The best way to figure out if these achieve your desired goal is to tell the 2-minute version of each story to a fellow engineer or manager. Then ask for their reflections about what qualities they'd say you displayed or didn't display.

    In a question about weaknesses, the follow up after the story is equally or more important:

    • What did you learn from the experience?
    • What will you do differently going forward?
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      Mid-Level Software Engineer
      Taro Community
      6 months ago

      Can I subtly workshop this in 1:1s at work? Like I use the real low lights that happen and get signal from current managers and leads about improvement without obviously sharing with them?