I'm currently working on contract at Doordash. How should I keep/mention contract on my resume and in the interview process?
I work in person in the main SF office and most of my team is also full time/contract. I also do work pretty much the same if not more complex than some of the full time engineers who were hired on a similar start date
Should I even mention contract on the resume? and if so how to do it without sabotaging myself/shooting myself in the foot before I even get a chance to interview. Resumes are after all 90% prestige screen so it does make a huge difference
I agree with you that resume screens are largely about having a name-brand company on your resume, and it's extremely valuable to have a strong brand like DoorDash.
Is your employer of record DoorDash, or some staffing company?
I put some thoughts about this here: Can I claim Ex-FAANG if I was a contractor at Amazon?
The litmus test is whether you are meaningfully interacting with the FTE at DoorDash, and you can understand/have opinions on how you are accomplishing the work (ie. you're not a black box code monkey).