Having trouble getting interview

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Grade 6 at Taro Community5 months ago

Hey all,

I have been working for 5 years now and still finding it hard to get any interviews.

I am basically a developer and my tech stack is C# (a bit of .NET). I do not use cloud or any of those technologies but I feel I can pick them up on the job. Could anyone let me know why I could be failing to get interviews>



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    Engineer @ Robinhood
    5 months ago

    Failing to get interviews is nearly always a resume problem. Can you share a resume (feel free to anonymize)?

    • 0
      Profile picture
      Grade 6 [OP]
      Taro Community
      5 months ago

      Sure!! Here it is -


      I was unable to add an attachment. Here is the G drive link.

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      Engineer @ Robinhood
      5 months ago

      Here's my thoughts:

      • The resume format makes things a bit too squished for me to read but there's a good amount of whitespace. Most recruiters would just bin the resume off that: if it's not readable, then likely it's not worth reading. You should try to flatten your resume down to 1 column: the 2 columns is taking up a good amount of space & the left one is squishing the text of the right one.
      • A lot of your resume feels like you're just saying impact numbers but there's no clear link between the action and the number. It's the same vibe as "Increasing company revenue by 50% by regularly attending meetings": it's not clear what the link between the two is and it feels like you're just saying random stuff.
      • Publications and awards don't really mean anything & just takes up space (unless you are a specialist and those publications and awards are specific to that domain).

      I'd also recommend checking out this course to get more detailed advice on how to set up your resume for success.

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      Grade 6 [OP]
      Taro Community
      5 months ago

      Thank you for your kind words Jonathan. I felt your second point to be very valid. Thanks.

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      Engineer @ Robinhood
      5 months ago

      No problem!