I'm in Meta team matching - Is it okay to reach out to managers on my own or should I only go through the recruiter?

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Mid-Level Software Engineer at Walmarta year ago

I received a verbal offer from Meta for the Android role and I'm in a team matching phase. Recently team matching has been a lot of struggle and could take weeks or maybe months. Last year a lot of hiring managers posted on LinkedIn about hiring for roles and I did exchange a conversation with them. Is it wise to ask the hiring manager on LinkedIn about open roles in their org and then telling my recruiter about it or I should go with a team that the recruiter helps me to connect with?



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    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    a year ago

    Not at all! Especially if the hiring manager previously posted about it, feel free to reach out to them.

    One tip: I'd phrase your message to them as "I want to learn more" rather than "Do you have an open headcount?" Since the 2nd question has a yes/no answer, while the 2nd one lets you engage with them and potentially get leads for another team that may have headcount.

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    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    a year ago

    I think it's fine to reach out on the side. You can use the standard communication techniques of "Giving them an out" and "Preemptive apologizing" (i.e. just being polite in general) to soften the blow: "Hey I just saw that you're hiring and I just got into team matching phase at Meta, so I would love to join your team! Apologies if I'm not doing things the right way - Please let me know if I should only be going through the recruiter for this."

    The above example is rough - You probably want to extend it with some specific things about them and their team to make them feel special to increase the likelihood of a positive response: Stop Getting Ghosted With Your Reachouts - How To Write A Great Cold Message