I am currently working on a project where I work as a frontend developer but aim to transition into backend development. Since there are a lot of senior and mid engineers working in backend at my current organization, I have less opportunity to work in backend in my current project, I have also talked with my manger but told me to focus on frontend development as per team requirement.
Here's my questions:
First and foremost, work on things that matter and do them well. (i.e. be valuable to the company)
If you can grit your teeth and be an amazing frontend engineer, I can promise you'll be given the opportunity to transition to backend when you ask for it.
With that said, nothing is preventing you from learning from talented colleagues who work on the backend. You can look at their code reviews and have discussions about what they're working on. If you are able to 'dip your toe' in the water of backend, you'll make the transition much smoother later (but make sure you don't sacrifice your core work).
Should I concentrate on any particular projects, frameworks, or technologies in order to develop a solid backend profile?
This depends very much on your company and team. Can you share where you work and what technologies are being used now? I would focus on that instead of trying to define what a "good backend profile" means -- there is no single definition of this.
Thank you, Rahul, for your thoughtful reply. I am currently working at SELISE Digital Platforms. Our development stack includes .NET for backend services, while Angular 8 is utilized for frontend development in the project I am involved with.