How do you interact with someone you are introduced to?

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Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community4 months ago

If someone makes an introduction to someone who is in another country, how do you then nurture that virtual connection if you dont have direct opportunities to work with that person?



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    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    4 months ago

    What is the purpose of the introduction? How well do you know the person making the introduction?

    If you're in the position of asking for something, the burden is on you to follow up in a timely manner, provide brief but relevant context, and make a clear ask (don't say something like "Can you be my mentor?" or "I'd love to get to know you!"

    Something like this is much better:

    I noticed you worked at company X. I actually had a friend who worked there and loved it, but thought it was fast-paced. Did you have a similar experience? I'm interested in learning more for Y reason. Do you have 20 min sometime next week to discuss it? I am free on these dates, or you're welcome to pick a convenient time here.

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    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    4 months ago

    If you can share more about your goals here, that would be really helpful. As is, it seems like you should follow up with that introduction to be nice to the person who made it and have some sort of initial call. After that, it's not likely you'll talk ever again.

    These sorts of connections are awkward, but it's a natural part of networking. Some are hits, but most are misses. But if you play your cards right, your hits are extremely huge. We talk about this all in-depth here: [Masterclass] How To Build Deep Relationships Quickly In Tech