Do you just need to temp and not die?
What concrete things other than taking a break/vacay do folks recommend to stay on top of the game so they can land interviews in January if they haven't already before EOY. EOY grind is tough and everyone is in holiday mode.
Is your concern about money or about visa/immigration status? I assume money since most temp places would not sponsor a visa anyway.
I'd start by asking the question: How much money do you need? For how long?
Naw not worried about immigration.
Just enough for the essentials the next month or so.
If you need the income now, 2 thoughts come to mind:
Otherwise you can be in preparation mode, doing things like grinding LeetCode, doing mocks, and writing out behavioral interview stories.
Hiring should pick up in 1 to 1.5 months though, which isn't that long. If you don't need money ASAP, I recommend enjoying the holidays as much as you can. It will put you in a much better mental state for interviews and 2025 overall.