Team Meetings as an Intern

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Software Engineer Intern at Other2 days ago

Hi Taro Community,

I will be interning with a team that has weekly meetings. There will not be a daily standup. How should an intern best behave during team meetings?

Some potential ideas:

  • "Talk and Observe" - intern actively listens to the conversations of other team members and asks relevant questions
  • Speak less than the others in the team, but be humble, focus more on learning, and ask good questions


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    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    a few seconds ago

    Are you able to see the agenda ahead of time for the weekly meetings?

    The quality of your questions will matter a lot, so with the agenda you could do some prep work to dive deep into one topic. I used to come into meetings with a sticky note of what I wanted to talk about, which helped me stay on track and get involved.

    Including data or your own opinion on a topic is a great way to add value and build relationships with others on the team.

    The ideas you mentioned both make sense, the above is just a recommendation on implementing it.