What are SWE interviews in India like?

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Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community8 months ago

For taro engineers in india, would you be able to shed what the interview process in india is like? im curious how it compares to the US -- is it harder/easier? Do they always just ask hards?

If you could break it down by level/tier that would be awsome!



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    Sr. Software Engineer at LinkedIn
    8 months ago

    What kind of companies are you looking to compare with US/India? I can share my experience (India region) of couple of years back when I was interviewing for Android roles.

    SDE-2 in a popular food delivery startup:

    • Project round where they gave 2 hours to code a task. It was fairly simple specially given 2 hours.
    • Easy-Medium DSA
    • Easy-Medium System Design
    • Medium-Hard bar raiser including Android in-depth and some DSA
    • In-depth medium level manager round including product questions

    SDE-1 in a popular social networking startup (later revised offer to SDE-2):

    • Easy-Medium DSA
    • Medium level System Design involving in-depth Android questions
    • Round with team lead involving medium level Android questions

    SDE-2 in a popular FinTech startup:

    • Similar to above

    They probably rarely ask hard questions at SDE-2 level. Good amount of focus is on fundamentals. If you are looking for something specific, let me know.

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      Senior Software Engineer [OP]
      Taro Community
      8 months ago

      I'm curious about how difficulty varies between US locations and India locations for the same company e.g. Tier 2 companies such as US walmart vs India Walmart, Target, Sams club. or Tier 1 companies e.g. FAANG. Do you think its harder to crack faang in india vs US?

      Mostly are interviews in india for the same company much harder than US?

      It appears that the pay wrt purchasing power parity is comparable between US and India for the same company

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      Senior Software Engineer [OP]
      Taro Community
      8 months ago

      I ask because someone I know is debating a MS in US vs. Trying to just crack tier 1/2 tech company in india. Of course everyone wants the high salaries in the US, but if its equally or even harder to crack the US interviews it might not make sense to move to the US

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      Sr. Software Engineer at LinkedIn
      8 months ago

      To be honest, I don't have the right data points to answer this. But I will share what I have "heard" over the years. 3-4 years back, I heard from my friends that Google India asks relatively difficult questions than the US counterpart. But since Covid, the bar has reduced and is now comparable for both locations.

      For Walmart and Target, while I am not aware of difficulty level in US, I have seen the interviews to be relatively much easier than FAANG. 1 of my friend bombed a round badly and still got offer from Walmart. I have few friends in Target and they say that interviews are well targeted towards the role you're interviewing for. Example: Android, iOS etc.

      Two of my friends who went to MS in US had hard time getting interviews and offers. While in India, they were in relatively good company like Tier 2-2.5.