Concern About Internal Applications as a Contractor

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Mid-Level Software Engineer at Taro Communitya month ago

Hi, I am currently working at Airbnb as a contractor and have noticed some internal openings in other teams. I reached out to a recruiter about one of the roles, and she has asked about my background. She is aware that I am a contractor. I’m concerned about whether she might inform my manager, as I’m worried this could affect my current position or how my manager perceives me. Could someone advise me on whether it’s safe to share my information with the recruiter ?



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    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    a month ago

    Are you going through a contracting firm, or is your employer Airbnb? If the former (you are technically employed by Accenture, for example), you should be more careful. There may be rules that prevent you from gaining direct employment for a certain number of months.

    Two tactical tips:

    • Judge the know-how of the recruiter. Are they new to the company, or are they very senior? If they know what they're talking about, you can be more confident.
    • Have casual (discreet) conversations with full-timers and see if they know of any success stories about contractor conversions. Ask them if they have advice on what to do or avoid.