I switched jobs ~4 months ago and switched teams (not voluntarily) after ~1 month. My eventual goal is to (voluntarily) internally transfer into the AI org once I'm eligible.
During a 1:1 with my skip manager, I mentioned that my current team didn’t have much opportunity for impact. He floated a meaty project in a different org and asked if I was interested. Previous question here. Let’s call this option 1. Afterward, I spoke to my direct manager, who presented opportunities in the other team that he directly manages. Let’s call this option 2.
Now I'm trying to decide between these options.
Pros of option 1:
Cons of option 1:
Pros of option 2:
Cons of option 2:
With all this in mind, does anyone have advice on which option I should pick or things to keep in mind?
Thanks for reading this far!
I would go with Option 2. Here's why:
Thank you all for the advice. Your points are well taken about aligning with my manager and focusing on execution as a new L4. I really appreciate your time in reading & replying to these posts!
Agreed that as an L4, clear defined scope is a better choice to prove your value to the company first unless your confident you can lead well in ambiguity. I'm assuming option 2 wouldn't take more than three quarters to ship.
Some of the strengths of the platform/infra option sounds great for L5 or even L6 scope. Since you're interested in the tech, I'd keep an eye on how that team grows and reach out to connect with the engineers that do end up working there. I'd also learn the tech on the side. Assuming option 2 won't take long, by the time you finish option 2, you'd have gained trust, gained some confidence, and will have a better feel for whether option 1 is good investment or not.
One consideration is that you joined this job 4 months ago. Since you're mid-level, your next promo will be to Senior Engineer, which requires showcasing your ability to lead a project and land meaningful impact.
This is unlikely to happen within a year of you joining the company, so (assuming promo is one of your goals) I would discount one of your listed benefits of option 2: "things that I can start working on tomorrow that are time-sensitive."
It's ok if you don't have immediate impact since you don't gain much with that immediate impact anway...
With that said, I do really like the fact that the manager cares about option 2 and there's more opportunity for impact. One follow-up for you would be to dive into your manager's background: do they have a track record of promoting people? What has been their upward evaluation in past perf cycles? How long have they been at the company?
As Amazon VP Ethan Evans talks about here, if your manager is growing quickly and accruing more scope, it's likely that will flow down to you.