i graduated with a degree in economics but then decided to pivot to swe. did leetcode for about a year and recently landed a new grad swe job at amazon.
i am quite worried about how i will survive in the job. amazon is quite notorious for firing employees. i mostly did frontend projects and have zero experience with backend (and the job is backend focused). how can i ramp up quickly on the job? does amazon have a training program type thing where they train a new hire?
would appreciate any advice on how i can thrive in this job. i have a couple months left before my job starts - is there anything i can do to prep for the job?
Congrats on getting the offer!
First of all, don't worry, you will have enough opportunity to learn as you join and onboard correctly.
Normally you get training materials when you join, sometimes that will include also courses on technologies, languages, etc... It depends on the team, but generally you get some room.
I would advise you to reach out to hiring manager that you will be joining for, ask for what to learn/study, he will most probably be happy to provide some pointers for you, or at least mention the key technologies that you will be working with.
Good luck
Is it a L4 or L5 position? Also what team/org?
New grads are always L4.
Since you have 2 months, learn REST apis, and designing data intensive design.
Also practice writing docs to express technical ideas, specially, in the format of what is known, and what is not clear, or does not have a clear answer.
Also for amazon, java and spring(amazon uses their own version) will be helpful.
Basics of AWS will also be useful