With each pay increase by getting a new job or levelling up there is a hugely common tendency to increase your lifestyle as a result of this.
What are some methods to prevent this from happening?
Amazing question, I've been thinking a lot about this too! I addressed this for myself with a mindset shift by re-understanding what money is when you are fortunate to have a higher paying career. Here is an example video I found super helpful for that understanding: Why I am a Financial Minimalist
Summary: Money is for buying time not luxury goods
Of course you can and should treat yourself but personally I'm trying to just not do every treat every month, rather picking and choosing based on a pre-thought-out budget. And the budget can change, but not just because your income did. I'm choosing to save more so that I can fund myself to say take a year working on my own business. But pick what is meaningful to you, and not just saving for retirement in 40 years.
More resources:
That’s super fair Rahul, there are many different approaches. I think if one can live ones dreams like having a business with revenue, family, house and save that is ideal and worrying to much about money doesn’t help.
The one thing I realized is just that if I do want to be supporting myself independently of traditional work in the next 10 years, then every $1000 extra I get used to spending each year is another $25000 that I need to have saved and invested to support that lifestyle by the 4% financial independence rule. (Or $1000 more to earn each year as a small business/creator/artist which might be way less consistent than a normal job)
I don't have a great answer here since I feel I've gone in the other direction. When I first graduated from university, I was extremely frugal:
At some point, due to a combination of earning more and getting married, I started to relax a bit more. Even if I spent more, I thought I could still save enough money to be comfortable for the future.
This is kind of a non-answer to your question
but my mindset has shifted away from lifestyle inflation and more into a goal for savings. Then I figure out if we're trending correctly.For the most part, I've stopped thinking about smaller purchases < $10.
This is admittedly not a problem for me as I am Asian and so is my wife. 😅 Both of us grew up with parents that really taught us how to be frugal and get deals.
My main advice is that if you find yourself spending frivolously, give yourself a hard budget every month: