I'm on a team with many new SDE 1s, and I'm trying to get them up to speed. However talking with all of them takes a lot of time, and it's affecting my velocity with project execution. My manager suggested that I set up office hours. Does that idea make sense and are there any other ways to make this all more efficient?
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Hearing office hours for team members felt weird when I read it. However, reading Alex's comment, I think that is a very good way to look at it.
I would however start by having recorded knowledge transfer sessions, upload them to the team's channel for future members, and taking Q/A at the end of each, this way you do it 1 time, and the rest of support can be an ad-hoc one.
Everything should be written in wiki, or readme files, I suggest you do all the onboarding tasks once at least to make sure they are clear, instructions are correct, and no hidden issues are there, this will reduce the back and forth, and save you a lot of time. (If this is done in the video sessions, that would be better).