Need advice for landing a job in the US

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Entry-Level Software Engineer at Taro Community5 months ago

Hi, I'm a frontend developer with 2 years experience at a startup company. I came from Seoul, South Korea and recently moved to the US (Washington State) and I'm trying to find a job.

I'm applying for a frontend job but personally it feels more difficult because I don't have a lot of connections. I wish there are people who can mentor and review my resume etc. The problem is "How can I even approach them in the first place?" I don't know how to start a conversation or how they will react. I am worried that I might take their personal time.

if you have any advice, feel free to give me.
Thanks for taking your time to read this.



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    Eng @ Taro
    5 months ago

    I wish there are people who can mentor and review my resume etc. The problem is "How can I even approach them in the first place?"

    Hi, there are a lot of resources on Taro where you can get help with your resume.

    I don't know how to start a conversation or how they will react. I am worried that I might take their personal time.

    I would try to lean on the side of starting the conversations and focusing on how the conversation could go right rather than how the conversation can go wrong. It's true, not everyone will respond positively, but you only need to find a few people who are able to help you out.

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      Entry-Level Software Engineer [OP]
      Taro Community
      5 months ago

      Hi Charlie,

      I have just found out that there is a slack channel and got an email too. I will check it out. like you said I will try to start a conversation without worrying about how it will go. it's a very helpful insight. Thanks for the advice!

  • 2
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    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    5 months ago

    Welcome to America! I totally understand the anxiety here, but I 100% believe that if you communicate well and treat people with respect, you have nothing to lose but everything to gain.

    When it comes to connecting with folks, Charlie already pointed out a lot of great avenues to meet people. In particular, I recommend going to events like these: https://www.jointaro.com/event/jobsearchers-coffee-chat-d1bdb/

    There's a lot of job seeking related events, and you can find all Taro events here: https://www.jointaro.com/events/

    Lastly, if you're in the Seattle area in particular of Washington, make sure to keep an eye out for in-person events there. Seattle is Taro Premium's 2nd most represented region, and there's an in-person meetup every 2 months or so. Networking and earning trust in general are best done in real life (IRL).

    • 1
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      Entry-Level Software Engineer [OP]
      Taro Community
      5 months ago

      Hi Alex, Nice to meet you!

      I shouldn't be worried about it too much. I think I was afraid of how a conversation with people will go. I will check those events out too. Thank you so much!

  • 2
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    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    5 months ago

    When it comes to communication tactics and reach outs, I recommend these:

    Be polite and always show that you're striving to add value to others. If you do that, networking will come naturally.

    I highly recommend the overall job searching course as well to familiarize yourself with the US market: [Course] Ace Your Tech Interview And Get A Job As A Software Engineer

    • 1
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      Entry-Level Software Engineer [OP]
      Taro Community
      5 months ago

      Wow those contents seem like exactly what I needed.
      it's not a thing in our culture to put yourself out there. but I will try hard Alex.
      What's your doing for us feels genuine. I really appreciate it.