What to bring up with manager for last internship meeting?

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Software Engineering Intern at Taro Community3 months ago

I’ll be finishing my internship pretty soon and I think I feel like I’ve done a good job. I checked in with my manager every 2 weeks (didn’t check in with them for the past 3 weeks expecting this final conversation). Wondering what I should bring up with them in my last conversation with them? I am interested in a return offer (RO). What should I ask them about?



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    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    3 months ago

    Three things you want to accomplish in this last meeting:

    • Determine the status of your return offer
    • Get actionable advice for your career that you can apply back in school or future internships
    • Figure out how to stay in touch with the manager and broader team (this will be good for future opportunities + referrals).

    The most concrete item here is about the return offer. Hopefully you've been talking about that throughout the internship, e.g. asking "how am I doing relative to the expectation for the return offer?" In this last conversation, refer back to those conversations and ask about what happens next. (see the video, how most interns fail)

    If you're at a Big Tech co, there's probably a clear expectation for your internship conversion. If not, talk to other interns to figure out what they've been talking about.

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    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    3 months ago

    The 2 main things to ask about:

    1. Your return offer
    2. Feedback to improve

    If you can't get #1, at least try to get #2, ideally in a formal feedback packet.

    Don't overthink how to ask about these questions as you're at the end of the internship and it seems like you've done well, so it's pretty hard to fail here communication-wise (and the bar for communication is low for interns as most interns are focusing on technical skills instead of soft skills).

    If you do want to sharpen communication though, there's this: Effective Communication For Engineers