Megathread: Side Project Ideas - Scoped Out + Feasible

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Alex Chiou (Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero)5 days ago

Hey everyone, the feedback to my new side project course was far better than I expected (thank you all!), so I wanted to follow through and help all of you out more.

The concept of a Level 1 app is hard to fully internalize. I know a lot of Taro community members who have gone through the full course and are still only coming up with complicated ideas, often not realizing that they are too complicated. Really championing this concept and applying it to actually come up with feasible ideas is really tough: I would know because I messed this up a lot as I was getting better at side projects, as I talked about extensively in the course.

At the end of the day, you should come up with your own idea that organically fits into your life or that of someone you deeply care about. But if you need a boost and have to build someone else's idea, feel free to take one of mine!

That is the purpose of this thread: In the replies to this post, I will share the many, many Level 1 side project ideas I've had over the years in a structured format.



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    Alex Chiou [OP]
    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    5 days ago

    Image Converter


    A lot of the times, websites will have specific image requirements, often taking in only .png and .jpg. However, there are a lot of images out there that aren't in these formats, particularly the compressed .webp format when you download an image online (this is what Taro serves as well).

    An organic use-case I've run into constantly is finding a good image for a lesson in a course I'm making, just to realize that it's .webp. Google Slides doesn't support .webp unfortunately, so I need to go convert it.


    This would be best as a web app. I can see this being a mobile app, but I have rarely run into this use-case when on my smart phone.

    If you're a back-end engineer, you can also build this out by making an image conversion API:

    • Input: Image resource (hosted at some CDN URL), targeted image file type
    • Output: Converted image resource (again, hosted at some CDN URL)

    Market Research

    There are a bunch of websites like this one: https://cloudconvert.com/webp-to-png

    They pretty much all have ads or account creation requirements (or both), which is annoying.

    This is the classic product where you can simplify the interface, remove ads, and turn it into a simple utility app like I describe in my course (literally the Alex Playbook).

    This use-case is small but common. These websites get millions of visits every single week. That cloudconvert site I've linked above has converted 2 billion+ files for users!

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    Alex Chiou [OP]
    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    5 days ago

    Find Middle Point Between 2 Locations

    The main use-case I have run into here is to find a restaurant that is in between myself and a friend I am meeting. I'm a nice person and Bay Area traffic sucks, so I want the drive to be as fair and equal as possible for both parties.


    This could either be a mobile app or web-app. Since navigation lives mainly on smartphones now (Google Maps is such a good app!), it's probably better as a mobile app.

    Market Research

    Here's the biggest example I could find on Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cocozzello.tom.halfway&hl=en_US

    The iOS one seems to be more popular (probably 50,000+ downloads?): https://apps.apple.com/us/app/whatshalfway/id1642536395

    Here's some examples on web:

    Admittedly, this space doesn't seem to have the biggest demand. I can see something getting 10,000+ users in a year, but 100,000+ seems hard.

    Make It Cool

    This is a great product to make numerous optimizations to for the experience to be really minimal and beautiful:

    • Pull your friend's address automatically from a contact book
    • Address autocomplete (Google Locations API)
    • Show detailed restaurant information (Google Places API) - Yelp API used to be great for this by being free for a long time, but it's quite expensive now 🥲
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    Alex Chiou [OP]
    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    5 days ago

    YouTube To mp3

    A lot of folks don't have Spotify and use YouTube for music (I may or may not be one of them). Not only that, they rip the songs directly from the YouTube video.


    I have actually only seen this on web, so a web app would be great. I think it would be great as a mobile app, but I imagine Google is blocking every Android app trying to do this from Google Play. Apple is probably doing the same to keep things above board.

    If you know how to develop native PC or Mac apps, that could be great too (I've seen this many times). However, it probably won't be hosted on the native stores. People are usually asking for folks to download the native apps from their website.

    Market Reseach

    There are a ton of websites out there that do this. Here are a couple:

    These websites get millions of visits every single week.

    As always, these websites tend to be riddled with ads. They also have a lot of reliability problems, often bricking requests or hanging indefinitely. I imagine there's some meaty technical problems to solve here to guarantee product quality despite this being a Level 1 app.

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      Thoughtful Tarodactyl
      Taro Community
      5 days ago

      have you seen folks be able to pull of being able to SEO optimize and come to the top results for this? im a bit hesitant about building something that is at the whim of SEO gods

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      Alex Chiou [OP]
      Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
      5 days ago

      Yes, I've seen it repeatedly, especially now as a founder. However, SEO is much more competitive than ASO as I mention in my course, and I will break this all down more in my follow-up side project course. Even if you get SEO right, it takes a while to manifest (generally 1-2 months at the minimum). It can even take 3-6 months or longer.

      1 tactical benefit you do have if you follow my advice and build a level 1 app without user accounts is that you'll get a huge boost in SEO over everyone who does require user authentication. The Google SEO bot heavily punishes websites where the user value is gated behind auth.

      Even though these are my ideas, only build these if you're genuinely excited by them with the ideal being that you would use them yourself. As you mentioned, you don't want to be purely at the mercy of the SEO gods.

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      Helpful Tarodactyl
      Taro Community
      5 days ago

      These ideas are all great ones for a side project. Really appreciate you guys sharing the ideas.

      One concern - I'm a bit not sure if it is okay to create this kind of app as there might be some concerns for violation of the copyrights of the original content (when youtube prevents you to download) when downloaded thr' this app. Can you please clarify, Alex?

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      Alex Chiou [OP]
      Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
      5 days ago

      Can you please clarify, Alex?

      This project does indeed have risk as Google obviously doesn't want you doing this. I'm sure the mobile app stores are actively blocking any app that does this as I mentioned in my original comment, and Google may be filing cease & desists against web versions as well. y2mate has been around for a while though, so I imagine that Google isn't super rigorous about this.

      Anyways, if you don't want to deal with this, definitely go work on a different project. I think the upside on this one is the highest (huge demand, tech isn't that complicated), but I think it also has the highest risk of all the ideas I've put into this thread so far.

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    Alex Chiou [OP]
    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    5 days ago

    Generate Subtitles From Video

    When we get course videos from external creators, they often don't come with subtitles. This is an organic use-case that we run into constantly as Taro. Right now, we are doing hacky stuff where we upload the videos to Loom/YouTube and extract the generated subtitles from there. A focused tool here would be awesome.

    A more organic use-case is you have some vacation videos, and you want your old, hard-of-hearing relatives to be able to understand what's going on in these videos.


    This is actually one of those projects where AI is pretty perfect. This could live as an LLM, a wrapper API, or a front-end application.

    Market Research

    There are a lot of websites that do this, but they're all paid/riddled with ads. It does make more sense with this tech as LLM costs are non-trivial:

    I'm sure you could get a ton of users if you make this software free/ad-free, but it could end up costing you a lot of $$$, unlike my other ideas here.

    One way you can avoid the cost issue is to make a module that moves the computation costs to the user. Here is a tool I've cloned off of GitHub which wraps OpenAI's Whisper: https://github.com/m1guelpf/auto-subtitle

    The GitHub repo has 1,700+ GitHub stars, which I'm sure is enough to impress a lot of recruiters and hiring managers.

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      Thoughtful Tarodactyl
      Taro Community
      5 days ago

      did some poking around. this tool looks really cool: https://subtitles.fframes.studio/

      the author is basically running a local transcription model on the browser. I only found it because the author advertised on reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/LocalLLaMA/comments/1dunier/i_created_a_totally_free_and_local_subtitle/

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      Alex Chiou [OP]
      Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
      5 days ago

      That looks legit! It's funny that the first comment on that thread is about how it's broken, haha (seems like they fixed it though?). Like I said in my course, you can add a lot of value by simply winning with quality. Have top-notch quality with high reliability, low latency, and no ads/auth wall/paywall.

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    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    5 days ago

    Pickleball ball comparison app

    One idea is to build a simple utility app for something trendy that has a tailwind. The obvious one that is top-of-mind for me is, of course, pickleball. There are many people trying pickleball for the first time, and that number will increase in the coming years.

    One thing that pickleball players do frequently is buy balls. Legit players will play with balls like Franklin, Dura, or Vulcan, but there are cheaper balls for beginners as well. Even within the top brands, there are differences

    You could build a comparison table that shows the various attributes of the ball:

    • Which competitions use it?
    • How durable are they? Likelihood to break
    • How cheap are they?

    The obvious way to monetize this is to include affiliate links to purchase the balls. With a decent webapp, content marketing, and a few years of patience, this could generate meaningful revenue.