I post every question anonymously here on Taro so that my company is not revealed.
I fear if any of my posts are viewed by my colleague on LinkedIn they will start looking at me from a different perspective.
I'm an Android Engineer and I recently did a course on AI for Business Leaders from Udacity I feared sharing it on LinkedIn because my team will start judging me.
I don't even know whether sharing a post will make any deep difference, but I want to shape my career around intelligent systems and reach out to a similar audience in the coming years.
The first thing to keep in mind (especially when you're starting out) is the Spotlight Effect: "the psychological phenomenon by which people tend to believe they are being noticed more than they really are".
There's no need to be afraid of posting when you realize how little people spend time judging or thinking about you! It's both empowering and demoralizing :)
Next, I'd focus on being kinder to yourself. Your intentions are pure and your content could also add value to others. You don't read posts from others with the most negative interpretation, so why would others?
As a content creator on YouTube, LinkedIn, and Taro, I am a big believer in the power of these platforms to build a network and create serendipitous opportunity. Figure out a consistent schedule for content like I talked about in my discussion with Steve.
Relatedly, I'm holding an office hours about content/branding next week: https://www.jointaro.com/event/rahul-group-office-hours-building-engineering-brand/
I recently (starting this year) took @Rahul's advice to put myself out there and started writing content on LinkedIn, and here's what I'm finding out...
Looking forward to that office hour Rahul!