Negotiating Meta E4 (MLE) offer

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ML Engineer [E4] at Unemployed7 months ago

Hi, I am at the team match stage at meta for E4 (MLE) role at the bay area loc. What could be a decent TC range (checked levels, I know avg is around 300k?)?

Also, how could I maximize it considering I don’t have a competing FAANG level offer at the moment, but I do have an offer from a tier 2 company of ML in terms of comp? note, I believe I did pretty well in all the interview rounds, the team I am hoping to join has a member who was my labmate in my Phd group and recommended me to the hiring manager, who is quite interested to hire me (as mentioned by the hm himself). Furthermore, I already have my green card, so the company doesn’t need to spend for my immigration. How (if at all) can I leverage these to negotiate?

I have looked at Taro's course on salary negotiations, but looking for more case-specific suggestions, thanks in advance.



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    Tech Lead/Manager at Meta, Pinterest, Kosei
    7 months ago

    So you have 2 offers? One at Meta for E4 and the other for a tier 2 company? What level and how large is the other company you have an offer at?

    • If any component of the other offers is better than the Meta offer, you should use that as justification that the market is valuing you highly.
    • Do you have any other pending offers? If you're generally comfortable with the Meta offer, you can gain leverage by saying "I'm in the final stages of 2 other companies, but I'm mostly happy with the Meta offer and would love to finalize it"
      • Try the tactic I outlined in the course to generate $10K+ in additional comp: Closing The Deal

    I don't think having a greencard plays a meaningful role in negotiation. For a Big Tech co like Meta, they primarily care about if you have the right skills to make an impact on the company. The $$ or lawyer cost to support immigration is probably not as meaningful for them.

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      ML Engineer [E4] [OP]
      7 months ago

      Hi Rahul, thanks for your reply. The level is P3 (same as E4 at meta), the company has around 25k employees (so a pretty big one). Thanks for your tips, please share any more insights you have

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    Tech Lead @ Robinhood, Meta, Course Hero
    7 months ago

    Looking at the reply, it looks like you have an offer from a competing Big Tech company. You should say that when negotiating (and don't reveal the company name or that it's a Tier 2 company obviously).

    We had another case in Taro where the engineer had 2 competing offers with 1 at Meta but the 2nd was from a lower tier company compared to Meta. They just mentioned that it was a Big Tech offer, and Meta tacked on an additional $100k out of fear (they probably assumed the worst and thought it was a Google offer or something). Granted, it was for E5 so you likely can't get an additional $100k, but you might be able to get $25k - $50k.

    In general, the negotiation game is about revealing as little information as possible, only sharing bits and pieces when it's beneficial to you. Being vague lets their imaginations run wild and potentially paint a bad hypothetical in their minds, which is good for you.