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Content Creation Q&A and Videos

About Content Creation

Content creation is the process of identifying a topic you care about, deciding which form you want the content to take, formalizing your strategy (keyword or otherwise), and then actually producing it. Many software engineers also create content: - YouTube videos (Rahul Pandey, Steve Huynh) - Writing articles (Alex Chiou, Michael Lin) - Producing podcasts (Lex Fridman, All In). It's never been easier to impact many people while also building a brand.

Question for Michael Lin on Content Creation - Non-FAANGMULA Engineer - How do I optimize long-form text content for my following?

Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community profile pic
Senior Software Engineer at Taro Community

Question: What other ways can I try to segment my knowledge/info from my long-form content (capture somehow in the short form) that can still be engaging but less exhausting and intensive that can help with channel growth / sales?Β I'm a Substack creator, writer/author.

Background: I feel like a lot of your successful engineering examples came from people who worked at household name startups and FAANGMULA companies that had bigger followings. Because I never worked for a big household name even if I am considered a market leader/authority in my field, my following is still smaller than I prefer.

I released a book on my subject matter expertise a few years back, feel I did a less good job at marketing after publishing was at over 2.5K followers (I'm at about 6K now on LinkedIn, Twitter and less on IG/FB Fan Pg and haven't broken that 10K mark on any channel which frustrates me), I haven’t seen a ton of growth.

All my friends who broke 100K-1M followers either all have worked at FAANGMULA, or have been asked to model/act professionally so I feel this is at my disadvantage to a degree as I dislike showing my face and objectifying myself further to society’s physical image standard. Some of my Gen-Z friends have lifestyle IGs with 50K+ followers with a lot of engineering memes (short vids) and while I admire them to a degree for their ability to capture a large following, I find that my posts are always much longer form and easiest with Substack, Medium or the written word. For 4 years fans have asked me to livestream, release a podcast, or start a YouTube, all of which is a ton of work, energy, has some value, but I feel a ton of pressure to edit pixel perfect content, be β€œon” for a performance or get propositioned for dates. Do you have examples of content creators that don't show their face on screen that are able to scale?

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