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How can I best prepare for Big Tech interviews in limited time?

Software Engineer at Taro Community profile pic
Software Engineer at Taro Community

I've got my first interviews lined up with Meta and LinkedIn in December. I can probably push it to January but the dilemma remains the same.

How do I effectively prepare for those interviews?

Background : 2 years of SWE experience and Electrical Engineering background.

I am pursuing my master's from Georgia Tech part time and working a full time job. I barely get 4-5 hours for myself a week and I use those to either play football with friends or watch a show with my family.

I didn't expect to get such interviews in the first place. The recruiters had reached out to me.

After Thanksgivings and up until January first week, I have the semester break. So I can prepare them effectively for around 6 weeks with my job and no master's going on then.

I am not well versed with any topic to solve a question but I remember some of the concepts from my undergrad algorithms course and the weak interview prep I had done 3 years ago.

A good thing here is that I am pursuing a graduate level algorithms course this semester but again it's purely theoretical/psuedocode based. It helps building intuition with DP, Graphs and Divide N Conquer problems. On paper I can solve those questions but may fumble with the implementation.

I'm thinking of picking questions from the frequently asked Meta/LinkedIn problems list on leetcode and preparing for the Interviews solely based on this. I don't know if any other problem set would help me now.

I'm only giving this interview because I don't want to miss out on this opportunity. I've always dreamt of such an opportunity and now it's finally coming true. I wouldn't be sad if I didn't clear the interview but just disappointed in myself if I don't give my best in the limited time available.

Please do let me know if there is anything I can do to game the system and somehow perform well.

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Posted 2 months ago

Transitioning from Old Job to New One

Data Engineer at Financial Company profile pic
Data Engineer at Financial Company

I just signed an offer with one of my dream tech companies that significantly increases my comp. I'm excited to be starting, but nervous about hitting the ground running. Will be making liberal use of Taro courses to guide me!

I have 3 questions:

  1. should I tell people on my team where I'm going? I don't see how I get around this. My concern is I don't want people to be envious that I'm leaving for a better opportunity that pays a lot more. I think it's unavoidable, and I imagine this just comes down to being as considerate and professional as I can be.

  2. This is about balancing finishing up at my old job and preparing for my new one. I know good practice is to prep an offboarding plan and try and tie up as many loose ends as possible. Regardless, there are simply things I won't be able to do in the 2 weeks I have left. Then there's prepping for my new job. I don't have familiarity with a bunch of the tools we're using and want to do anything I can to prep for it since I want to make a good impression when I start and I know the pace of my new job will be at least 2x what it is in my current one. Basically, this comes down to should I take time out of my remaining 2 weeks to prep for my new job the way I did when I was interviewing and trying to get my new job? I feel like there's no right answer here, just a spectrum. What I'm thinking right now is I'll try working with my current manager and getting a reasonable amount done in my old/current job for every day I have left, but no more than that. All other time will go to prep.

  3. Should I post that I got my new job on LinkedIn? Similar to my first question, I'm sensitive to how others may feel. Equally important, I don't feel secure in my job and feel like I only want to post about it or switch my status after I feel a certain level of comfort there (if it ever comes) or time spent there (more deterministic). If I were not to list it on LI, I would either need to have myself still working at my old job or appear to be unemployed.


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Posted 6 months ago

How to make use of LinkedIn Connections for Job I applied to

Data Engineer at Financial Company profile pic
Data Engineer at Financial Company

I just applied to a job at a unicorn. LinkedIn helpfully told me that I have a mutual connection. That mutual connection turned out to be someone I was in university with 8 years ago who was and is super smart and is now a Principal at the unicorn. LinkedIn encouraged me to make use of the connection, and helpfully prepopulated a message to send:
"Hi John, I hope you're doing well! I recently applied to this job ({linkedin link}) at {unicorn}. Would you be willing to tell me more about your experience at the company? "

I added (because you can't just use the prompt):
"Really cool that you're a Principal at {unicorn} and got to build it from the ground up!"

I got back an instant reply:
"Hey Bill. Hope you're doing well. Yeah sure, what do you want to know about it?"

At this point, I realized I am in a pickle, and am making all the classic networking errors. I'm trying to use my alum acquaintance to help me get into the company and give me some sort of edge. But this is always very transparent and unattractive.

I'm not sure what I should ask him to turn this interaction positive. I don't want to ask him pointless questions or questions that are easily searchable. I've already submitted an app, so not sure he can refer me. And I'm not dying to get into this particular company, it's just one of a bunch of apps I sent out. I suppose I could ask him some of the . That's probably best.

I still have to watch the and that will probably give me some insight into how to approach this going forward.

All suggestions are welcome!

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Posted 2 years ago
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