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LinkedIn is an employment-oriented online service, and since 2017, a subsidiary of Microsoft. It's primarily used for professional networking and career development, and allows job seekers to post their CVs and employers to post jobs. LinkedIn has 800M+ registered members from over 200 countries.

How to make use of LinkedIn Connections for Job I applied to

Data Engineer at Financial Company profile pic
Data Engineer at Financial Company

I just applied to a job at a unicorn. LinkedIn helpfully told me that I have a mutual connection. That mutual connection turned out to be someone I was in university with 8 years ago who was and is super smart and is now a Principal at the unicorn. LinkedIn encouraged me to make use of the connection, and helpfully prepopulated a message to send:
"Hi John, I hope you're doing well! I recently applied to this job ({linkedin link}) at {unicorn}. Would you be willing to tell me more about your experience at the company? "

I added (because you can't just use the prompt):
"Really cool that you're a Principal at {unicorn} and got to build it from the ground up!"

I got back an instant reply:
"Hey Bill. Hope you're doing well. Yeah sure, what do you want to know about it?"

At this point, I realized I am in a pickle, and am making all the classic networking errors. I'm trying to use my alum acquaintance to help me get into the company and give me some sort of edge. But this is always very transparent and unattractive.

I'm not sure what I should ask him to turn this interaction positive. I don't want to ask him pointless questions or questions that are easily searchable. I've already submitted an app, so not sure he can refer me. And I'm not dying to get into this particular company, it's just one of a bunch of apps I sent out. I suppose I could ask him some of the . That's probably best.

I still have to watch the and that will probably give me some insight into how to approach this going forward.

All suggestions are welcome!

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Posted a year ago
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