We have a sprint planning session every two weeks where epic owners create tickets and they are presented to people. Whoever is interested in whatever tickets, they assign it to themselves.
Everyone has 10 story points worth of tasks where 1 story point is one day’s work. When these tickets are created, the creator assigns an estimated story point value based on their judgement of the complexity of the ticket.
But sometimes, the task can be more complex than estimated and it might spill over.
I tend to take 10 points worth of tasks but definitely 1/2 points get spilled over to the next sprint because of unplanned delays while finishing them and my own inefficiency/ procrastination.
I have been given the feedback that I tend to overcommit and it would be better if I brought it up earlier in daily stand ups in case some tasks are taking more time than usual. This will enable others to pick up some other task on my board in case they are done with theirs.
I do see my inability to complete the 10 points as a personal failure even if no one explicitly points it out or cares about it. Most of my team mates tend to get them done though. I am 6 months in the team and the rest have been there for 2-3 years at least. I want to get better at planning and completing my sprint tasks. How do I approach this problem?